Unlock Your Inner Power: A Holistic Journey to Authenticity and Fufillment May 20, 2024

Unlock Your Inner Power: A Holistic Journey to Authenticity and Fulfillment

As a holistic healing practitioner and empowerment coach, my life's purpose is to empower individuals to embrace their true selves and create the lives they deeply desire. I believe that within each of us lies an infinite wellspring of potential, waiting to be unlocked and expressed.

The Power of Authenticity

Authenticity is the foundation of a fulfilling life. When we live in alignment with our true nature, we...

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Embracing a New Beginning: Life After Divorce May 13, 2024

Embracing a New Beginning: Life After Divorce

Divorce is a life- altering event that can leave you feeling lost, confused, and unsure of what the future holds. However, it's important to remember that divorce is not the end of your story, it's the beginning of a new chapter in your life. Let's explore how to navigate life after divorce and embrace the opportunities that come with starting fresh.

Finding Your Identity

One of the first steps to thriving after divorce is rediscovering who you...

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Breaking Free from Limited Beliefs: A Holistic Coach's Guide May 06, 2024

Breaking Free from Limited Beliefs: A Holistic Coach's Guide

In the journey of personal development, one of the most significant obstacles we face isn't external; it's within us. These obstacles are our limited beliefs, deeply ingrained assumptions we hold about ourselves and the world that restrict our potential. As a holistic coach, I've seen firsthand how these beliefs can stifle growth, happiness, and success. But the good news? With awareness and the right strategies, breaking free from...

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The Pink Rose Mar 12, 2024

It was a typical walk in the park for Charley, my labradoodle, and me. I was feeling emotionally drained that day most likely due to Valentine’s Day being the next.

I am currently in the process of divorcing my husband of 35+ years. I hope this better paints the picture of why I felt this way. I do not resonate with the hallmark holidays that society seems to impose on us, I believe love is given every day and not expressed on a day chosen outside of ourselves. 

As we were...

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Kinesiology Saved My Sonā€™s Life Mar 12, 2024

 My service work as a kinesiologist was born in 2013 when my son Nick, at the age of 18, was diagnosed with stage 4 kidney disease. We were told at that time that the only treatment would be for him to have a kidney transplant. As a mom, I was helpless.

As a nurse, I did all the research I could. And as a believer in spiritual healing, I had access to a community. When we finally found a Health Kinesiologist who made significant progress with Nick’s condition, we saw positive...

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I get you, I understand how deep the pain goes. Mar 12, 2024

 I’ve been there and still go through those nights of the soul. I feel the powerlessness, the hopelessness; I’ve even gone to the depths of wanting to end it all. 

I’ve experienced very lonely times, feeling lost and abandoned. Still, there is something within me that gives me the courage to move forward, to continue, and to know there is something greater outside of me that supports me.

I feel hope within despair, and gratitude when feeling rejected, and I know...

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